

Tompary A & Davachi L (2022) Consolidation-dependent behavioral integration of sequences related to mPFC neural overlap and hippocampal-cortical connectivity. BioRxiv. Preprint

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Tompary A, Xia A, Coslett HB, Thompson-Schill SL (in press) Disruption of anterior temporal lobe reduces distortions in memory from category knowledge. JOCN. Preprint  PDF

Houser TM, Tompary A, Murty VP (2022) Agency enhances temporal order memory in an interactive exploration game. PBR. PDF  Preprint

Zeng T, Tompary A, Schapiro AC, Thompson-Schill SL (2021) Tracking the relation between gist and item memory over the course of long-term memory consolidation. eLife. PDF

Callaghan B, Gasser C, Silvers J, Vantieghem M, Choy T, O'Sullivan K, Tompary A, Davachi L, Tottenham N (2021) Age-related increases in posterior hippocampal granularity are associated with remote detailed episodic memory in development.  J Neurosci. PDF

Tompary A & Thompson-Schill SL (2021) Semantic influences on memory distortions. JEP:G. PDF  Supplement Preprint  Data/Code

Tompary A, Zhou W, Davachi L (2020) Schematic memories develop quickly, but are not expressed unless necessary. Scientific Reports 10, 16968. PDF  Supplement  Data/Code

Goldfarb EV, Tompary A, Davachi L, Phelps EA  (2018) Acute stress throughout the memory cycle: Diverging effects on associative and item memory. JEP:G 148, 13-29. PDF  Supplement  Data

Tompary A, Al-Aidroos N, Turk-Browne NB (2018) Attending to what and where: Background connectivity integrates categorical and spatial attention. JoCN 14, 1281-97. PDF  bioRxiv

Bein O, Reggev N, Tompary A (2018) Working with schemas, predicting with schemas. J Neurosci 38, 1608-10. PDF

FeldmanHall O, Dunsmoor J, Tompary A, Hunter LE, Todorov A, Phelps EA (2018) Stimulus generalization as a mechanism for learning to trust. PNAS 7, E1690-E1697. PDF

Tompary A & Davachi L (2017) Consolidation promotes the emergence of representational overlap in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Neuron 96, 228-241.e5. PDF Corrigendum

Murty VP, Tompary A, Adcock RA, Davachi L (2017) Selectivity in post-encoding connectivity with high-level visual cortex is associated with reward-motivated memory. J Neurosci 37, 537-45. PDF

Danker J, Tompary A, Davachi L (2017) Trial-by-trial hippocampal encoding activation predicts the fidelity of cortical reinstatement during subsequent retrieval. Cereb Cortex 7, 3515-24. PDF

Córdova NI, Tompary A, Turk-Browne NB (2016) Attentional modulation of background connectivity between ventral visual cortex and the medial temporal lobe. Neurobiol Learn Mem 134 Pt A, 155-22. PDF

Tompary A, Duncan K, Davachi L (2016) High-resolution investigation of memory-specific reinstatement in the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. Hippocampus 26, 995-1007. PDF

Tompary A*, Duncan K*, Davachi L (2015) Consolidation of associative and item memory is related to post-encoding functional connectivity between the ventral tegmental area and different medial temporal lobe subregions during an unrelated task. J Neurosci 35, 7326-31. PDF

Yushkevich PA, Amaral RSC, … Tompary A … for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (2015) Quantitative comparison of 21 protocols for labeling hippocampal subfields and parahippocampal cortical subregions in In Vivo MRI: Towards developing a harmonized segmentation protocol. NeuroImage 111, 526-41. PDF

Duncan K, Tompary A, Davachi L (2014) Associative encoding and retrieval are predicted by functional connectivity in distinct hippocampal area CA1 pathways. J Neurosci  34, 11188–98. PDF

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Zeng T, Tompary A, Schapiro A, Thompson-Schill SL (2020) The relation between gist and item memory over a month. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Tompary A & Thompson-Schill SL (2019) Semantic influences on episodic memory distortions. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. 

Conference Presentations

Cao W, Raccah O, Chen P, Tompary A, Poeppel D (2024) Thematic relations outperform taxonomic relations in episodic memory. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Toronto, ON, Canada. Poster

Cliver KG, Tompary A (2024) Behavioral manipulation of the consolidation of specific and general memory traces. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Toronto, ON, Canada. Poster

O'Donnell RE, Tompary A (2024) Do perceptual or conceptual organizations more strongly bias the formation of new episodic memories? The 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Toronto, ON, Canada. Poster